Ed & Alexandrea Gjertsen Share Their 25+Year Winnetka Journey

live winnetka episode 3

In this episode, Ed & Alexandrea Gjertsen:

  • Discover the power of Winnetka's warm and welcoming community spirit.

  • Learn why a skilled real estate professional is crucial for success in Winnetka's housing market.

  • Uncover the vast assortment of events and pursuits that make Winnetka stand out.

  • Understand Winnetka schools' cutting-edge teaching philosophy in preparing students for future success.

  • Witness the commitment to community improvement and infrastructure development in Winnetka.

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How long have you lived in Winnetka?
(Alexandrea) We’ve lived in Winnetka for 25 years, going on 26. We have raised both of our children, who are now 26 and 24, here, and we moved from Wilmette.

What drew you to Winnetka?
(Ed) We used to spend weekends driving through town because we always really liked the area. In particular, we liked the Hubbard Woods area. It was close to the lake, close to shops. It was something that we were looking for in our next home. So ultimately, outside of just the great community that we heard Winnetka is, obviously, the schools and all of the reputation that they had. From kindergarten on was another big draw for us in terms of raising the family.

Why choose Winnetka over other towns?
(Alexandrea) We always liked Hubbard Woods, and we loved Wilmette, but Winnetka feels a little bit more hometown-ish. A little bit like Mayberry; it has that feeling. The progressive schools in Winnetka were a big attraction to us as well. We had one child at the time, and knowing that we were expanding our family, the schools were really important.
(Ed) We love the property. We’re kind of on an island. I can tell you come spring; we were just overjoyed with this whole area. It is just absolutely stunning and beautiful. That’s one of the things we love most about this area, and especially our property. There’s a lot of trees, plants, greenery, and that’s just terrific.

How have you seen Winnetka change over the years?
(Alexandrea) Definitely the business districts. That’s much more robust, especially in restaurants. When we first moved here, there weren’t a lot of restaurant choices or good choices. That has changed for the better. Now it’s a destination – we have people coming from other villages, from Chicago, which is wonderful.
(Ed) The village and the community have put a lot of money into infrastructure to make the beaches nice, accessible. In terms of just the day-to-day, they’re keeping up tremendously. From water issues to reinvesting in the community are another appreciative thing, and the schools. So, for young families coming in, we’re continuing to reinvest in a lot of the different things that will help [their] family throughout the years.

How was the Winnetka school experience for your kids?
(Alexandrea) It was fantastic, and I think they would both say the same thing. I’ve actually asked them throughout and recently as young adults. They felt, especially after, that they were so well prepared for college.

What does LiveWinnetka mean to you?
(Ed) I think LiveWinnetka is about the community and all the great things you can take advantage of, from the park districts, the beaches, the schools, and the family. There are so many things that Winnetka has. Truly, I mean, after being here so long, it would be hard to think about living somewhere else other than here.
(Alexandrea) Yeah, I think the people are truly vested in the community in a really good way. They are not only invested in the infrastructure but they’re invested in the people. Every time you turn a corner, you’re going to see a neighbor. It is a great community, and it feels it.

Today’s Guest, Ed & Alexandrea Gjertsen :

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